Is Purity All That Matters in Christian Dating?

What Is Purity for Christians?

In the Christian faith, purity refers to living a morally upright and holy life, free from sin and impurity. It involves maintaining a pure heart, mind, and body in accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible. Christians believe that purity is a central aspect of their relationship with God, as it allows them to draw closer to Him and to better understand His will for their lives. They believe that God calls them to live a pure life and to avoid anything that would defile their bodies or their souls.

Pros and Cons of Sexual Purity

The concept of sexual purity can mean different things to different people, but generally, it refers to abstaining from sexual activity until marriage or limiting sexual activity to within a committed, monogamous relationship. If you have already decided to date a Christian, visiting is the first step.

Here are some potential pros and cons of sexual purity:


Religious or moral beliefs: For individuals who hold certain religious or moral beliefs, sexual purity may be an important aspect of their faith or personal values.

Avoidance of sexually transmitted infections (STIs): Sexual purity can significantly reduce the risk of contracting STIs.

Avoidance of unwanted pregnancies: Sexual purity can also reduce the risk of unintended pregnancies, which can be emotionally, financially, and physically challenging.

Emotional connection: Sexual activity can be a powerful experience that fosters emotional connection and intimacy. By limiting sexual activity to a committed relationship, individuals may be able to deepen their emotional bond.


Unrealistic expectations: Sexual purity can lead to unrealistic expectations about sex and relationships. This can be especially true for individuals who wait until marriage to have sex, as they may not have a realistic understanding of what sexual intimacy entails.

Difficulty finding a partner: In some cultures or communities, the expectation of sexual purity until marriage can make it difficult for individuals to find a partner who shares their values.

Pressure to conform: Some individuals may feel pressured to conform to a particular standard of sexual purity, even if it goes against their personal values or desires.

Shame and guilt: Sexual purity can also lead to feelings of shame and guilt, especially if an individual has engaged in sexual activity outside of their chosen boundaries.

Other Factors to Consider

The concept of purity is often associated with sexual morality, as Christians believe that sexual activity should be reserved for marriage between a man and a woman. However, purity also encompasses other areas of life, such as avoiding dishonesty, greed, and other forms of sin.

Purity is an important aspect of Christian dating, but it is not the only factor that matters. As Christians, we are called to live a life of holiness and purity, and this includes our romantic relationships. However, there are other important factors that should also be considered in Christian dating, such as shared values and beliefs, emotional compatibility, communication, and mutual respect.

While it is important to honor God with our bodies and avoid sexual immorality, the focus on purity should not overshadow the other important aspects of a healthy and God-honoring relationship. It is also important to remember that purity is a journey, and no one is perfect. We should strive to pursue purity in our relationships while extending grace and forgiveness to ourselves and others when mistakes are made.


In summary, while purity is important in Christian dating, it should not be the sole focus. It is important to consider all aspects of a healthy and God-honoring relationship, including shared values and beliefs, emotional compatibility, communication, and mutual respect.